
1. Install Docker Compose 🐋

See the tutorial to install for your platform.


Deleting docker containers and images won’t affect any saved data in the ‘streamlit-volume’ directory. However, it’s recommended to back up saved data within this directory.

2. Clone repo to get the latest version

git clone

Alternatively download and extract the zip file of a specific version from the releases page.

3. Bring up containers


If using a GPU

If you are planning to use a GPU for faster training:

Then bring up containers:

for GPU:

docker-compose -f cuda.docker-compose.yml up -d --build

Or for CPU only:

docker-compose -f cpu.docker-compose.yml up -d --build

The web app can now be accessed at http://localhost


By default the web server runs on port 80. This can be changed in the .env file if this conflicts with any existing service.

3. Stopping containers

To stop containers simply run:

docker-compose -f cuda.docker-compose.yml down #use the yaml file you used to build containers

To see running containers run docker ps